
OPEN TODAY 10:00 AM TO 7:00 PM

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Sunday11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday, Dec. 3110:00 AM-5:00 PMNew Year's Eve
  • Wednesday, Jan. 110:00 AM-5:00 PMNew Year's Day


New Years Eve Package

Sangertown Square | 11/24/2023 - 11/30/2023
405572362 841369354665076 5747047169594902291 n
Don’t miss out on this deal!
There is still time to secure $50 OFF per lane reservation on PiNZ New Year’s Eve Package!
With this discount for only $149, you get 2 hours of bowling, shoe rentals, 6 – $20 arcade cards with 60 minutes of unlimited gameplay, 2 cheese pizzas, Caesar salad, breadsticks, unlimited soft drinks, & sparkling cider!